Beginning early Saturday April 8, 2023 Sunny started to whelp, she ended up giving birth to seven healthy, very uniform pups. The litter consists of 1 yellow female; 3 black males; 2 yellow males; and 1 black female. This litter is the result of a repeat breeding between Sunny and Quinn. We have been very pleased with the pups from the first mating and felt that a repeat would be appropriate.
For example, Tim and Lisa from Wisconsin have two females, Emerald and Hope from the first breeding. They began competing with these two girls in a variety of events when the girls turned six months. To date this is a listing of their accomplishments:
NADD (North American Dock Diving) both girls have senior titles and Emerald has her master title.
AKC Fast Cat, both girls have BCAT titles.
AKC Scentwork, Hope has her novice containers title; Emerald has Novice containers, Novice interiors, and Novice Exteriors titles. Emerald is one leg away from her Novice Buried title which will then earn her a Novice overall (all elements) title.
CPE Nosework, both girls have earned their Level 1 overall title (which is containers, interior, exterior, and vehicles). Both girls are 1 leg (exteriors) away from earning their Level 2 CPE Nosework titles.
Speedway (CPE Agility), which goes on a point system, Each girl has 1/3 of the points towards their Speedway titles from only one day of competition. They should have their titles by the end of April.
AKC Tricks, both girls have their trick Novice titles and some towards their next title.
Barnhunt, both girls have Novice, Open, Senior, Master RATCH (Rat Champion) and RATCHX (times 10) titles. In Barnhunt Crazy 8's both girls have Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Platinum Bronze, and Platinum Silver titles.
While, I not very familiar with most of these activities, from a breeders standpoint several things standout about the accomplishment of these two girls. First, is the their ability to transition from one activity to the next and compete at a high level. Second, is how close they are in their performance, for the most part they are neck and neck in everything they do. Additionally, they are only a pound or two apart in weight which speaks to the physical similarities. Third, they live in the house and have a excellent on/off switch, which is something I value in highly competitive dogs.
In addition to Emerald and Hope's achievements, several of the other pups from this litter are performing at a high levels. Maddie in California will soon be competing in her first Derbies in Field Trials. Penny, in Montana recently completed her first season of hunting pheasants and showed real talent. Jake in Alberta will be running in hunt tests this year and his owner who is a very seasoned dog man is more than pleased with Jake's progress. Another owner in Alberta who is in his eighties and has trained and trialed dogs all his life, says his pup is the best he's ever owned.
With achievements and reports like these how could we not repeat this breeding? If you or anyone you know is looking for an excellent Labrador pup, send them our way. These could be the pups for them.